
I am currently a senior majoring in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. I am deeply passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex problems and am actively seeking an internship in the field of software development. I have a strong interest in front-end, back-end, and data science, making me enthusiastic about software development overall.

I possess a solid foundation in Java, Python, and SQL programming, and have hands-on experience in database development and simulation. In my current role as a maintenance team member at the University of Maryland, I have honed my organizational skills and learned the value of effective communication and teamwork.

This e-portfolio showcases key moments and projects from my educational journey, offering insights into my capabilities and experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction!


Article Summarization Web Application

Developed a web application utilizing Node.js and Express.js framework to provide users with the ability to summarize by configuring API’s. Additionally, the application features user account creation and management, storing user information and their submitted articles in a MongoDB database. It includes functionalities such as account creation, article submission, review of summarized articles, and retrieval of user-specific article history.

Media Library Database

Collaborated in developing a comprehensive book database capable of storing an extensive collection. Implemented advanced functionalities in the database, including efficient search capabilities. The media are arranged in a systematic and easily accessible manner, with a user-friendly interface optimized for intuitive navigation.

Walmart Weekly Sales Prediction System

Developed a predictive analytics system to forecast weekly sales for Walmart stores worldwide. Leveraged machine learning techniques, particularly Random Forest Regression, to analyze historical sales data and identify key drivers influencing weekly sales. The project aimed to provide insights into the factors driving demand and values of weekly sales, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation for the retail giant.

Custom Codon Processor: Protein Synthesis Simulation

Developed a Python program simulating a modified ribosome, proficient in processing codons. Implemented commands to interpret diverse codons, facilitating the precise construction of amino acid chains. This initiative highlighted the ability to work with complex molecular processes and implement key commands for efficient protein synthesis.

Pantry Tracker App Developer

I recently developed a pantry management app using React.js, Next.js, and Material-UI. The app includes OpenAI integration for intelligent inventory insights and automated item categorization. I also implemented Firebase for user authentication and real-time database management, ensuring secure account creation and personalized inventory tracking.

SleepTool App

is a web application that predicts and improves sleep quality using machine learning. Users input daily activities, and the app provides a sleep score and personalized recommendations. Built with Next.js, Firebase, and Flask, it offers an interactive and engaging experience, including a real-time chat feature for support.

MyFlash Ai

is a web application that allows users to generate personalized flashcards by typing in any information. Powered by the ChatGPT API, the app creates accurate and relevant flashcards based on user input. It also uses Stripe for secure authentication and subscription management. Built with Next.js and Firebase, myFlash AI provides a seamless and efficient experience for storing and managing flashcard collections.

Resume Link

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